The public is welcome to attend the signing which will be at the First Responder & Military Service Members Historical Memorial at the Columbia Convention Center—this is one of Ron Clamp’s projects and it was also organized by one of our board members, Dan Hennigan.
Ron Clamp is a master stone carver and sculptor doing business as Memorial Design. He specializes in granite memorials, statuary, dimensional stone and architectural carving—he designed and built the First Responder & Military Service Members Memorial at the Columbia Convention Center. Although based in the Midlands, his carvings can be found all over the United States and nine other countries.
Fort Jackson will mark its 100th anniversary in 2017 and the Gateway to the Army Association is dedicated to helping the community mark this centennial. This will also demonstrate not only the Midland’s support of the post but also why Fort Jackson should not be downsized or closed.